It all began on a crisp spring morning in early May, with Judy and Bob sitting at a picnic table in the park (socially distanced at six feet apart) trading stories and asking themselves, “How would we write the next chapters in our storybooks?”
Our Name: East-West Engineering
On one hand, Judy has called “West” Hartford her home for over a decade. If you draw a line between the two, the central point is the heart of the State, Hartford.
Appropriately, the State agencies are central to much of the work they do on a regular basis, either on behalf of a client, as a direct consultant, or as a subconsultant. They have strong ties to their communities and the greater Hartford area, but their project portfolio extends throughout Connecticut and also into neighboring states.
On the other hand, the notion of EAST-WEST as melding opposite sides and cultures resonates with them. Judy is a first generation Filipino American, whose parents first came to the United States in 1970. After many moves, as a daughter of a Navy Dad, college at MIT, duty as an Air Force Civil Engineer Officer, and a couple years working on Boston's Big Dig, Judy finally set roots in Connecticut in 2002.